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Terms of Use

Privacy Statement
We respect your privacy as much as possible. No personal data will be collected, except you agree expressively or by your request, which can not be fulfilled without storing your data (for example when you subscribe to our newsletter or send us a message using your email address). Personal data you send us using our email address or form will be used only for answering your message or, if ordered, sending you our cost-free newsletter. No personal data (especially no email addresses) will be distributed to a third party (except legal forcing). We don't use cookies, tracking systems or profiling software and we don't store personal data on the web server (for example newsletter orderings).
As it is common practice on websites we and our Internet Service Provider log non-personal data of your visits for technical security and administration and for completely non-identifying statistics to improve the website's usability. These data include time and date of your visit as well as data delivered by your web browser (user agent): browser type, operating system, country location, referral source and your current
address (this is usually a temporarily number you receive by going online from your Internet Service Provider). All these data are not connected with personal data (like email addresses) and will not be distributed to other parties (except legal forcing or hacking attacks to the server). We don't try and are not able to uncover your anonymity.Due to technical reasons we can't guarantee the security of data sent over email or mail form.
You can at every time claim us to remove your personal data from our contact lists (name, email address, other contact data). If you have any questions regarding our privacy policy, please contact us.

Unless otherwise stated, we – or our licensors – own the intellectual property rights in the website and its material. Subject to the licence following, all intellectual property rights are reserved. The content, structure and design of the Global2015 Internet pages are protected by copyright. Pages, texts, text portions, tables, graphs, images, animation or illustrative material, their contents and copies
- may be stored for personal use (as well as for caching and within search engine indexes)
- may not in any way be altered without the specific, written prior consent of Global2015 (especially they may be not modified, edited or taken out of context such that its use creates a false or misleading statement or impression as to the positions, statements or actions of Global2015)
- may not be copied, sold, resold or otherwise exploited for commercial use or distribution without our specific, written prior consent
- may be quoted, forwarded to third parties, reproduced or republished for information purposes with no licensing fee, but with indication of their source. In case of distribution in print media and other media we would appreciate to receive a message, a link or a copy. (If you want to run a mirror server it should name the original source, date and version of the page as it is included in the original version, and it should be updated timely.) Regarding photographs and graphics by external authors as well as trademarks included in the documents please consider the next two paragraphs.
Photo Credits
Photo credits are given at the bottom of the respective page (in order of appearance). The background picture of planet Earth at the top of each page is used with kind permission by NASA, Visible Earth . Copyright of photographs on this website belongs to their owners and has to be respected. The same applies to graphics of external authors.
All trademarks, service marks, collective marks, design rights, personality rights or similar rights that are mentioned, used or cited on this website are the property of their respective owners.

Disclaimer: no Liability
Although we provide this website with great care, we don't take on any legal liability, especially not for contents, externally linked web pages and technical security. The information on this website is provided free-of-charge, and it would be unreasonable to hold us liable for it. Our liability is limited and excluded to the maximum extent permitted under applicable law.
All information and data supplied by Global2015 in this Internet offer have been compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief. But Global2015 cannot accept any liability for their accuracy, completeness and timeliness, or any warranty, expressed or implied, including (but not limited to) any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, or non-infringement. While the information provided is believed to be accurate, it may include errors or inaccuracies.
External Links
The same applies to all other Internet pages referred to by hyperlink. A link to an external page or site does not mean that Global2015 endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content or the use of such page or site. By linking external pages we do not adopt them as our own and we do not have any control over their content or technical security.
Technical security
In no case will Global2015 be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages for any use of this site, or any other hyperlinked web site, including, without limitation, any lost profits, business interruption, loss of programmes or other data on your information handling system or otherwise, even if Global2015 is expressively advised of the possibility of such damages.
In Case of Violation of Rights or Law
If you find anything on our website that may violate your rights, the law or the rights of other persons, trademark owners, copyright holders,
, please inform us. We will quickly check the matter and change the respective content if it is necessary to avoid any violation of rights. There is no need for a dissuasion including costs. Thanks.General Stipulations
We may reveal this document from time-to-time. At the end of this page you will find the date of last modification of content.
This document constitutes the entire agreement between you and Global2015 in relation to your use of the website and supersedes all previous agreements.
This document will be governed by and construed in compliance with German law, and all disputes referring to this document shall be subject to the German jurisdiction and courts exclusively. Place of trial is Berlin, Germany.
Severability Clause
If one of these provisions or a part of it does not comply with the law or jurisdiction, for example of a specific country, other provisions or parts of it shall not in any way be affected or impaired thereby.

Contact data
Global2015 is an association founded under German law (see about Global2015).
Postal address:
Global2015attn. , member of the board Lars Vogelsang
Trautenaustrasse 5
10717 BERLIN
Phone: +49 (0)30 96 534 777
contact at global2015 dot net"at" stands for "@", and "dot" for "." (leave out the blanks). We prefer you to use the mail form. (To avoid automatically generated spam please don't put our e-mail address including the @ or as a hyperlink into a web page, online board, etc.)
We don't want to receive advertisings or malware – no spam please!