Main content:
Peace and Security

Human health, development and economy need to be safe from injuries, killings and damages caused by armed conflicts.
Affected people and foundations of life: Armed conflicts have many victims – combatants and civilians, directly or indirectly. Armed conflicts are, with or without deliberate specific intent, a cause for hunger and poverty. In some armed conflicts or genocides famine is even used as a weapon.
Since armament has started to include weapons of mass destruction we are confronted with the danger of man-made devastation of mankind. Production and storage of
weapons as well as nuclear weapon early-warning systems pose risks similar to nuclear energy facilities and large chemical facilities, but with varying probability for the occurrence of damage ( 1998, 73 ). One nuclear missile started by error could kill millions.Deaths:
- 172 000-310 000 people per year are killed by violence in recent armed conflicts (not counting famine, diseases related to armed conflicts, ; WHO 2008a, 58, 2004, 124 and 2002, 80). Counting only wars, or armed conflicts involving at least one state actor, it is 20 300-99 100 ( 2006).
- The nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed 90 000-140 000 60 000-80 000 people within 2-4 months after detonation ( ), which amounted to 200 000 resp. around 140 000 people within 5 years ( ).
- Within the 20th century there were about 191 million deaths of war, terrorism, genocide, torture and organized violent crime – 60% of them were civilians (WHO 2002a, 21, 5). Famine related to conflicts has cost 40 million human lives in the 20th century (WHO 2002a, 22).
The long-term figure regarding the death toll of the 20th century reflects the long-term risk of war.
Loss of healthy life-years: 7.38 million healthy life-years (
) attributable to violence in war in 2004 (WHO 2008a, 64).Targets/goals: All general and complete
nuclear disarmament. ( , , II and VI.) By the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty of 1987, the Strategic Arms Reductions Treaty I (START I) of 1991 and the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty (SORT) of 2002, the and the resp. Russia have cut their nuclear arsenals.
Trend: + After reaching a peak level in the early 1990s, the number of wars and armed conflicts has declined ( 2008; 2007, 2 [regarding high intensity conflicts]; Project Ploughshares 2007; 2008, 5; UCDP 2008). Likewise, the number of battle deaths has decreased from 126 000 (122-198 000) in 1991 to 21 800 (15 500-31 000) in 2005 (state-involved conflicts only, not counting famine, diseases related to armed conflicts, etc.; UCDP 2006).
Measures: prevention of armed conflicts, support of non-violent conflict resolutions, containment of armed conflicts by the public international law, arms control and disarmament. A UN commission has made proposals regarding problems of implementing the above-mentioned conventions and the dangers of weapons of mass destruction in the hands of non-state actors. Furthermore, these proposals have pointed out the necessity of reducing poverty, enforcing development and protecting the climate as parts of a broader security concept. (UN 2004.)
It should be noted that many nuclear disarmament agreements are soon expiring or otherwise questioned. There is a disagreement between Russia and the US about a missile defense system in Europe and a possible withdrawal from the INF Treaty. In 2009 the expiring Strategic Arms Reductions Treaty I (START I) should be renewed. In 2010 there will be an important Review Conference regarding the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty (SORT) expires in 2012.
DALYs: Disability-adjusted life years.
One DALY represents the loss of one year of equivalent full health. DALYs are the sum of the years of life lost due to premature mortality (YLL) in the population and the years lost due to disability (YLD) for incident cases of the health condition. (WHO 2004, 95f.)
- AKUF 2008 – Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kriegsursachenforschung, Universität Hamburg: Kriege und bewaffnete Konflikte 2008; Ein erster Überblick.
(AKUF-Analysen Nr. 2, December 2008.)
- DOE – U. S. Department of Energy: The Manhattan Project; An Interactive History: The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
, and The Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki.
(No publication data given; retrieved in 2007.)
- HIIK 2007 – Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research at the Department of Political Science, University of Heidelberg: Conflict Barometer 2008; Crises – Wars – Coups d'Etat – Negotiations – Mediations – Peace Settlements.
- NPT – Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.
(International Atomic Energy Agency: Information Circular. INFCIRC/140, 22 April 1970.)
- Project Ploughshares 2007: The Impact of Peacebuilding: Armed Conflicts in Decline.
- RERF – Radiation Effects Research Foundation: How many persons perished in or survived the atomic bombings?
(No publication date given; retrieved in 2007.)
- SIPRI 2008 – Stockholm International Peace Research Institute: SIPRI Yearbook 2008; Armaments, Disarmament and International Security.
- UCDP 2006 – Uppsala Conflict Data Program, Uppsala University: Yearly Total Battle Deaths.
(Dataset version 2.0.) By Bethany Lacina and Nils Petter Gleditsch.
- UCDP 2008 – Uppsala Conflict Data Program, Uppsala University: Conflicts by intensity 1946-2007.
- UN 1945: Charter of the United Nations.
- UN 2004: A more secure world: Our shared responsibility. Report of the High-level Panel on Threads, Challenges and Change.
- WBGU 1998 – German Advisory Council on Global Change (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Globale Umweltveränderungen der Bundesregierung): World in Transition: Strategies for managing global environmental risks.
Annual report 1998. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, et al.: Springer, 2000 [publishing year of English version].
- WHO 2002 – World Health Organization: The World Health Report 2002 – Reducing Risks, Promoting Healthy Life.
- WHO 2002a – World Health Organization: World Report on Violence and Health: Summary.
- WHO 2004 – World Health Organization: WHO Report 2004.
- WHO 2008a – World Health Organization: The Global Burden of Disease; 2004 Update.
(ISBN 978 92 4 156371 0).
Draft (2008)
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Photo credit: © Yan Boechat