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Activating Global Sustainability
The vision of Global2015 is to get decision-makers, as well as all other factions of the global community (opinion leaders, the public, enterprises,
), more actively involved in alleviating environmental and developmental global challenges that we face today in the 21st century. For that everyone helps to arrange the future together.To reach this goal we will start by recollecting today's most impacting global challenges (
climate change, diseases, armed conflicts, etc.) from trusted documents and studies. Such as United Nations Agenda 21 and Millennium Declaration, and reports by scientific institutes, governmental departments and bodies.These global challenges will then be presented through a variety of channels and be described neutrally. Each of these challenges will be backed up with concrete examples for action, and will include examples of "good practices" that can be relevant to the different social groups that can contribute to fulfilling the global aim (e. g. political and economic decision-makers, opinion leaders,
, etc.). This shall in turn inspire and motivate all factions of society in creating new ideas or adopting already practiced techniques, which shall encourage taking action towards a more sustainable world. As far as possible, also the costs and benefits of suggested measurements shall be reported.Once the project is underway, we will provide continuous monitoring of global challenges and the measurements being taken to master them. This ongoing process will keep global challenges and measurements taken up to date, showing any changes in their trends, as well as their impacts and effects.

A Network of Channels
We plan on addressing all actors in society through an unlimited network of channels. All channels will serve as tools to relay information, support dialogue, provide education and encourage taking action. Actors include, but are not limited to: political decision-makers, individual citizens, enterprises, NGO's, opinion leaders, such as journalists and teachers, and well known public figures. Addressing will serve to verify and validate, support and promote, and for network and exchange. The first channels we will work on developing will be a brochure and a website. The brochure will communicate directly at a local level, while the website will communicate internationally. Once we have grounded a website and a first brochure, other channels will be integrated to take part of the work. For example, fact sheets can be produced for journalists and teachers. T-shirts, stickers, flyers, and special events should be made for individual citizens. Workshops and presentations should be developed for decision-makers and opinion leaders.
The style of presentation will always include making the text and data concise, to make it more efficient in obtaining attention from decision-makers, whom have limited time to offer. We adress them in their own language, in the manner of an executive summary.
The website will serve to address all audiences and be used as a foundation and a building block for the project, all its activities and development. The information will be presented in English/German. An online editorial department for news of challenges and measures as well of every activity of the project will be provided. Everything published should be available for downloading. The website will play a key function in the project.
The first steps of the project will be:
- the first version of the international website
- further research especially on appropriate measures and good practices
- a brochure on global challenges and local measures.
The choice of global challenges depend on their relevance or impacts observed. The selection and compilation can still change with further research. The following are some, from about 20 global challenges being already analysed for the project:
- Climate protection
- Preservation of biodiversity
- Defeat epidemics (e. g. / and Malaria)
- Poverty eradication
- World nutrition
- Access to safe water (Avoiding diarrhoe and water scarcity)
- Access to modern energy (Avoiding of indoor smoke)
- Soil protection
- Reducing armed conflicts
- Family planning, reproductive health.
Included, will be global challenges that work as empowerment tools and capacity builders. These can possibly help in alleviating the global challenges mentioned above:
- Good governance and democratization
- Human rights and gender equity
- Information and education, research and innovation.